Goddy Jedy Agba, Minister Of State Power

 The minister of State Power, Goddy Jeddy Agba has called on Christians to use the Easter and the death of Jesus Christ to reflect on the values of Christianity which includes the love for neigbours, promotion of peace and unity amongst men. 
The minister who stated  that crises, insecurity and other ill vices in the Society are all caused by man,  stress that a drastic change is possible if we are ready to tolerate one another irrespective of religion, tribe and the colour of our skin. 
According to him  the country will make meaningful progress and growth in developing infrastructure and building human capacity for the people if peace, love and unity is made a culture and practice in our society. 

According to a statement made available to journalists by the special assistant media and communications strategy Mr.  Ofem uket, the minister said the unity and love that exist amongst Nigerians in the worship of the All Mighty in celebrations of this nature, observing the same holidays and visiting one another not minding your religion should continue after Easter, salah and Christmas celebrations ‘ It is important to note that we are all created by one God .

so in practical terms there is no basis for segregation and hatred for one another, we must learn how to live in peace, love and unity. 

However, the minister also used this remarkable period to urged Nigerians at local, state and national levels to work with government to achieve growth and development across the country, especially at a time when the economic potentials of the country are indicating all time high.